Time: Game Maker Blog
Latest Active Project:
Genre: Platformer
Started: April 1, 2010
Latest Download: Blog Post
Version: 0.1


I put together a small simulation of a tapestry-sort-of-thing.  I know, very eloquently stated.  Anyway, It takes a texture, and you can stretch it and such.  Controls are in-program, so I won't post them here.  Without further ado, here it is!


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Solanum (Screenshot/No Download)

I've been getting very little done in Solanum lately, today being the first real day I've had any free time.  I managed to get some done on a future boss, with all the graphics for his body parts complete and the "dizziness" after you hit him programmed (he sways back and forth with stars above his head).  I don't have a download, since this isn't a huge update, but I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about the blog.  In fact, I've been really fretting over the fact views have dropped by a lot and I haven't put up new content.  This is for you guys who continue to check up often!

Time: Game Maker Blog
Notice the stars and seeming "sway" of the boss.
This is what will happen when he is stunned in the big fight later on.

For all the viewers, I can't wait until we finally reach the "1337" ("LEET") mark on visits!  We're close!

Sprite Reader

I put together a little example due to some posts on the GMC in a text-reading example topic I posted a while ago about whether I could make it work for sprites.  I did a little work, and although it's horrendously slow, it still works pretty well.  I wish I could make it better, but for some reason, I happened to be saving to the zip file I downloaded my old version in and it didn't save any of my progress...  So, basically all I've got is an .exe.  Anyways, try it out and tell me what you think (by the way, the picture is going to be the head of the first boss in Solanum).
Time: Game Maker Blog
Time: Game Maker Blog
Time: Game Maker Blog
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Solanum (The Facility)

I've finally decided it's time to duck down and get to work finishing this game.  I've got pretty well all of the basic functionality I want done, and now it's time to get working on the bosses, dialogue, and levels.  Finally, I've gotten to the facility (previously a mall) where there's a lot of blood due to the fierce battles between the Special Forces and Zombies, because this was where it really got loose and where the answers lie.  That's also why you're going in.  I added white turrets (only aesthetics) a new zombie spawn place, two new levels, and a large door you've got to break down with a turret.  Also, I put in the first real interactive background objects which are dysfunctional lights that you can shoot out with any gun.  They're not really there for a purpose, but they're fun to destroy none-the-less!

Main Menu
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Solanum (Start Menu!)

I just finished up working out my start menu for Solanum.  It should be fully functional with a cool scrolling background with a red faded mist and nice text for the "Play," "Quit," and "Solanum" text.  All of the text lights up with a white background when selected, and by clicking on the "Controls" text, you can unfold a menu that outlines how all of the text will work for the game.

Also, I've just put up a new level that I really enjoyed making (it took a lot more effort than others for some reason...)  It's got quite a bit of blood in it, which was fun to make, and it looks pretty cool too.  It's in the video I posted just a couple of nights ago, which was a bit of a sneak peek.  The Special Forces AI has also been improved, so I hope you enjoy that too.

Main Menu
Main Menu (contains new music and fighting Special Forces and Zombies in the background).
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Lastly, I'm going to be busy with school, work, and sports from here on out with school starting up (tomorrow).  Updates will either become less frequent or they will be smaller updates, or a mixture of the two.

Gameplay Video

I just put up a gameplay video of Solanum on youtube in case you've missed anything (secret places, unbeatable levels, or you can't find a gun) and also to try and get a few more views for the site. Also, it features a new level which I've been working on today, along with improved special forces artificial intelligence!

Solanum (Special Forces and New Levels!)

Finally, after being grounded for a few days, I've been able to put together a relatively large update featuring my new wonderful Special Forces units (SWAT team-like people who attack both you and zombies) which work pretty well when they are left to battle it out with the zombies. They have two guns, the pistol and machine gun, so watch out! They really pack a punch and can take you out quickly. Lastly, I've finally gotten several level designs from FGS_HURRICANE, so I put together two of them to show you guys (some background graphics to be done, but generally what it's going to look like as a finished product). They are city levels, so you'll find them at the end of the game.

Here are a couple of screenshots featuring the transport vehicle (no, you don't get to drive it, you just get in and it takes you to the next level and you can't return) and a Special Forces member:
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